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IHE XDS is not necessarily easy to understand or implement. HL7 CDA can be quite painful to work with and HL7 FHIR is radically different from previous HL7 standards. When in need of an introduction to international healthcare standards it is nice to be able get an in-person introduction with special focus on implementation related challenges.... Read more

QFDD, QRD. We know what it is, do you?

Medcom has made two danish profiles based on the following CDA standards: 1) Questionnaire Form Definition Document (QFDD) 2) Questionnaire Response Document (QRD) In the context of remotely monitoring patients these two standards are important, since the electronic interchange of patients’ vital signs is but the first step in enabling effective dialogue. Of equal importance is... Read more

Is your CDA document ready for Healthkit in iOS 10?

iOS 10 came with a new version of Apple’s HealthKit, enabling apps to import data from HL7 CDA (Clinical Document Architecture) and CCD (Continuity of Care Document) documents. This will, in theory, enable patients to not only request their medical records, but also view them in an understandable format. It seems like Apple has taken an... Read more

Medcom just got a danish HL7 PHMR validator

Medcom needed a way for third parties to validate whether or not the data their devices generate is valid or not according to a danish extension to the HL7 Personal Health Monitoring Report (PHMR) standard. created a validation REST service with java and schematron. Moreover we created a simple user interface with angularjs. Simple user... Read more

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